Hip And Knee Doc

Oh, my aching back, or is it my hip?

Back problems can often masquerade as hip problems and most pain from hip and back problems is due to ordinary wear and tear on the body. When the hip is the usual suspect you may experience: ~ Pain is in your groin ~ Discomfort comes and goes, becoming more frequent over time Pain worsens with standing, walking and activity, and is relieved by rest. ~ You feel stiff ~ You walk with a limp ~ Avascular necrosis, or AVN, is a serious condition marked by death of hip bone at the joint. The pain is usually worse and far more constant than in osteoarthritis.
When the spine is the likely culprit: Most lower spine problems are caused by a herniated disc that presses on nerves in the spinal column. This produces the pain known as sciatica, which can be felt in the hip. You may have a herniated disc if pain: ~ Is limited to your back, buttocks or hip. ~ Shoots down your leg ~ Worsens with sitting or bending ~ Improves when standing or walking If you have any of the above symptoms and would like to make a consultation you can request and appointment online at www.hipandkneedoc.com or send me a private message with your contact information and my staff will give you a call! ***I can also recommend several spine surgeons if you need to see one for your back.


MAKOplasty (Partial Knee Resurfacing) is an innovative treatment option for adults living with early to midstage osteoarthritis in the medial (inner), patellofemoral (top), or lateral (outer) compartments of the knee. It is powered by the RIO® Robotic Arm Interactive Orthopedic System, an enabling implant design which allows for consistently reproducible precision in performing partial knee resurfacing.

Benefits of MAKOplasty:
Improved surgical outcomes
Less implant wear and loosening
Joint resurfacing Bone sparing
Smaller incision
Less scarring
Reduced blood loss Minimal hospitalization 

To find out if you are a candidate I invite you to schedule a personal consultation with me by calling 918-514-3009 or request an appointment online at www.hipandkneedoc.com!


I see this every week in my practice: Middle aged woman with: ~Anterior(front) knee pain. ~X-rays look normal. ~MRI showed minor wear on the knee cap and no other pathology.
Injections, NSAIDS, and physical therapy resolved the patients symptoms. In my practice I usually give a trial of the appropriate non-operative care before considering surgery most of the time. Need an appointment or a second opinion? Request an appointment by calling 918-514-3009 or submit a request via my website.

Give up your Soda!

Scroll down to #5 of the list and see what it does to your bones. My wife was a Diet Coke addict for years, drinking almost 88 ounces every day. Next month is her two year anniversary of kicking the habit cold turkey!

I gave up Mountain Dew about a year ago and occasionally I will order a diet soda at lunch knowing I can pretty much guarantee she’s going to give me the “evil eye” and a guilt trip about “poisoning my body”. Then I get a lecture is about drinking water with lemon because lemon is a natural detox for the liver. She takes lemons pretty seriously. Lemon zest and juice go on everything at our house and every trip to the market requires “lemons”.

I’ll take her obsession with lemons as a sign of love.

Happy wife= happy life!




Dental Clearances for Total Joint Surgery

Prior to joint replacement surgery, I recommend patients see a dentist to address any periodontal disease or tooth decay to avoid infection in the joint replacement after the surgery.

For all patients with joint replacements I recommend life long antibiotic prophylaxis prior to any dental procedures, including cleanings.


